Thursday, 30 May 2013

30/05/13 - Back to the Doctor

The two weeks of waiting to see what would happen with Ellie's swelling was up, and it was time to go back to Doctor Naiker. It was quite good timing, because oth girls were showing signs of their colds getting worse, so I could kill two birds with one stone.

The swelling really hadn't changed at all. One of the remaining stitches had finally fallen out, which seemed to make a little bit of a difference, but there was still a significant lump between her gum and lip. Doctor Naiker was hopeful though that once the last stitch came out the rest of the swelling would go away. At least it didn't seem to be causing her any pain, so I was happy enough with that. We would see Doctor Kimble in a month anyway.

He checked her ears, throat and chest, and I wasn't surprised to hear that she had infections in all of them. I'm so used to infections with Sophie it just seems part and parcel of a cold. Hopefully though Ellie will be better at fighting them off.

We walked out with antibiotics for both girls, Sophie having a chest and throat infection as well. Good thing I'm a pro at administering drugs!

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