Wednesday, 4 September 2013

05/09/13 - Tummy Time

Ellie has always hated tummy time. I think it was a combination of not getting it in the early weeks because of her hospitalisation, and the reflux-monster. We've been lucky if she'd stay on her tummy for longer than a few seconds before spitting it and screaming to be turned over. 

It never really bothered me, but I did wonder if it would mean she wouldn't learn to crawl at the same time as others. One report I read said a baby couldn't learn to crawl from the sitting position, while another said they needed to sit before they could crawl. Confusing.

But lately something big has happened in Ellie's little world. She's suddenly this very happy, smiling baby girl, instead of the screaming monster we've have for almost eight months. And with that comes a new acceptance of her tummy time. Now she flips herself from a sitting position to laying on her tummy, and once she gets there she starts pushing herself up and rocking on the spot. Crawling can't be far off.

Can she figure it out before her operation? Do I really want her to? Chasing a crawling Ellie around Ronald McDonald House could be a challenge, and then of course those pesky arm splints are going to get in the way post-op. who knows. As always with Ellie, it's one day at a time!

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