Friday, 28 February 2014

24/02/14 - on the road again

My day started at 4am, so that I could finish cleaning and packing. We don't have a time that we need to be in Hobart, but we wanted to get in mid-afternoon, just to give us time to unpack and settle the girls in before bed time. So the plan was to be on the road by 10.30am.

Now that Ellie is older and doesn't need to stop for a feed the drive is a lot quicker. We stopped in Campbeltown for lunch and the girls had a play at the park, which broke up the drive nicely and before I knew it we were pulling in to the car park in Hobart.

We were greeted by the lovely Penny at Ronald McDonald house, who had great news that we had been upgraded to the big family room. Lisa had originally thought we would have to squeeze in to a smaller room, but a family had checked out just in time. The first thing Sophie wanted to do was go to the play room, so I took them in there while drew unloaded our stuff from the car.

Nothing has changed since we were there in November. It's still our home away from home. I made a quick dash to the supermarket and grabbed some stuff for dinner, and soon enough it was time for the girls to go to bed and for Drew and I to sit back and relax for probably the last night in a little while.

Tomorrow Ellie will be admitted to the paeds ward and the adventure will begin. I'm still secretly hoping for a cancellation, but I think it's time I came to terms with the idea that this is really happening.

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