Tuesday 14 May 2013

13/05/13: Troubles with Solids

We've decided to take a break from solids. It's just too hard for Ellie right now, and I don't want her to start negatively associating.

After such a strong start last week, she got a bit of pumpkin in her palate and squirted it out her nose. That upset her a lot, and I imagine it probably hurts having food come out your nose, no matter how smooth the puree is.

I kept trying every day, but the results were the same. She'd take one or two spoons and then squirt it out her nose again. After a few days the screaming started as soon as I put her in the highchair. I feel terrible upsetting her so much.

I've tried playing around with the consistency and temperature of the food, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. I even tried offering it before her milk feed instead of after. That time she managed a couple of extra spoons but still protested the whole time.

I'm worried that I'm not going to have it sorted out before her palate repair. We were told that it helps if they can take solids after the repair, but at this rate it's never going to happen.

So we're taking a break for a week. When we start again I'll try something sweeter, like apple or pear, and see if she likes that better than vegetables. Hopefully if we find something she likes she can learn that solids are actually quite good.

Meanwhile, I have a laundry full of pumpkin stained clothes - hers and mine!

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