Friday 6 December 2013

3/12/13 - Paediatrician checkup

I was somewhat nervous going in for the appointment at the paediatrics clinic. Last time we were there the doctor gave me a lecture on how obese my daughter was, and I think I was worried that we might be seeing the same guy and have to sit and listen to the same rubbish. But luck was on our side, and we got the same lovely doctor that saw Ellie in emergency back before her surgery. 

He had a listen to her chest, but of course because she's doing better right now, there was nothing to hear. He was very understanding though of how worried we are, and assured me that if there was anything at all that he could do he would be doing it. All we can do for now is keep waiting for the respiratory specialist. 

I also asked him about her ears. He had a look, and yet again they are both infected. He thinks that because Ellie's palate hasn't been repaired yet, the grommets are going to do more harm than good, and we'll be playing a constant game of catch up - trying to stay on top of the infections. He gave us antibiotic ear drops, and instructions to come straight back if anything changes. 

Apparently Ellie is marked as a VIP patient, so instead of getting doctor Naiker to send a referral all I need to do is call the clinic and they will bump someone else to see Ellie! I wonder if this is because Ellie is such a complex case, or because they know her mother will yell if she doesn't get what she wants?!

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