Thursday 13 June 2013

14/06/13 - So much for our month with no appointments

I was so excited at the start of the month when I noticed that we didn't have a single appointment until July. We've been shuttling between one specialist or another since partway through my pregnancy, I feel like I live in a hospital! But it seems Ellie has other ideas.

Yesterday I noticed a tiny bite on her pinky finger. Just a little white dot really, with some redness. She wasn't worried or in pain so I didn't think about it. Just got on with our day. This afternoon though I noticed a huge blister had formed where the white dot was. There was also a thick red line running up the length of the finger.

Needless to say, I freaked out. I quickly called our doctor's surgery, and we were sitting in the waiting room within 25 minutes. Not a bad effort considering the surgery is 20 minutes away and we were all still in our pj's!

The only appointment I could get was with a different doctor than we usually see, but I had to take what was available. She barely looked at Ellie's finger, and simply said that it needed a honey dressing and it would heel on its own. She couldn't say if it was a bite, or what could have done it. 

One of the practice nurses dressed the blister for us and told us that we needed to keep it clean and dry. And because that's Ellie's chewing hand, that means back to the arm splint. She's not impressed. Not impressed at all!

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