Thursday 2 January 2014

30/12/13 - really Ellie?

Drew and Sophie have gone camping for the new year, and I made the choice to stay home with Ellie, just incase being out in the cold of a night caused her to get sick. They left yesterday, and today Ellie has woke up with a rattle and a cough! What's with that?!

We had a horrible night, with Ellie waking up coughing at 3.30am, and no amount of ventolin, redipred or flixotide could stop it. I ended up sitting in the rocking chair with her, patting her on the pack and rocking her back to sleep. She eventually settled around 5.30am, but by then I was wide awake so I didn't bother going back to bed.g it to love getting 3 hours sleep with no hope of a nap during the day.

Luckily for us, I already had an appointment booked with doctor Naiker to have her ears checked. He looked almost as disappointed as I felt when he listened to her chest and found both her upper and lower chest infected. He increased her standard redipred dose, and ordered 2-hourly ventolin for 48-hours. 

Next it was time to deal with the stinky ears. I purposely didn't clean them this morning, so that he could see and smell how bad they are. The left side was bleeding again, and one look had him ordering swabs to find out what the infection actually was. One of the things I love about doctor Naiker is that he is always on the same page as me. He said it would be 48-hours until the results were back, but started her on high strength antibiotics just in case it was something serious. He also added a prescription for painstop to help get the ear pain under control. 

He didn't want to say yes or no whether the surgery would be cancelled, but we both new that it most likely would. I tried to call doctor Kimble after we left, but it is impossible to get anyone from the hospital or his office on the phone at this time of year. Everyone is on holidays, so we just have to wait until next week and see what happens. 

Even though I don't want it cancelled because I really want it to go ahead, I just want to know that we won't be travelling down there for no reason.

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