Monday 23 September 2013

24/09/13 - The Heart of an Angel

I've mentioned before how lucky we are to have some really special people in our lives, but today I want to highlight one in particular. Not because their offer is particularly more incredible than anyone else's, but because of who they are: two little boys who have never met Ellie but care about her greatly.

When we got home from Hobart last night and I finally had a chance to check up on my online forum I found a post intended for us. I hope jackie doesn't mind, but I'm going to share it here:

Hi Trace,

As you know we have been a part of the same group for a while now and i have followed your journey through pregnancy and beyond with Ellie. 
You were also a great support for me during a difficult pregnancy and always shared your advice and wisdom :)

What you dont know its not just me who has been following your journey but also my beautiful husband and 2 boys. 
Everytime you update your blog we speak to the kids about the changes in Ellie's life. I always feel it is really important to teach your children about what happens in the real world and the struggles we all face. 

Since following your journey during Ellies first op, and knowing first hand how unexpected health issues can be a very tough burden financially, we said as a family we would do whatever we could to provide assistance to you and your family by the time the 2nd op came.

We have had a money box set up in the kids rooms and everytime they get weekly pocket money for their chores they split their money in their money box and also Ellie's. it has been so touching to see my kids compassion and dedication to helpin others. Last night we opened the money box and the boys have raised $68.95 for you and your family. My 5yr old boy also ran to his room and said 'mum i want to give this to Sophie to buy some new toys', it was a $50 Toys r us Voucher he received for his birthday. 

We hope this little gift can assist to buy a few things for the girls whilst you are away. It is definately filled with love from my family. 

Please let me know where you would like me to send to. If its easier i can put the money onto a gift card like coles or woolies and send to where you are staying...

Good Luck with everything, Baby Ellie you be tough and show mummy how strong you are.

Love Jackie and Family xxx

Because I was raised to always help others while never asking for help myself, my first instinct is always going to be to say no, thank you. And I did think that first up. But then I realised, these are two little boys, who just want to make a difference for a little girl in any way that they can. Why shouldn't I let them? 

I have no doubt that if these boys ever meet a kid like Ellie in school or in the playground they will treat them just like any other kid they would meet. Jackie is doing an incredible job raising such compassionate and thoughtful sons in a world that sometimes can seem a bit callous. I can only hope that there are more kids like them around when Ellie starts school and enters the scary playground environment.

To the boys, thank you. Ellie and Sophie are so grateful for your help, and Sophie is going to draw you both a lovely picture to put on your wall. And to jackie, if I could hug you I would. This will make a huge difference when we go back to Hobart. 

(Photo taken by sophie, not a bad effort for a 3 year old!)

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